2020 May

Bolton News selects images of Locktown
I feel very lucky to have had some of my photographs selected by The Bolton News as the basis for a feature today, the 30th May. It about the town during lockdown and it appears both in print and online. In total, five shots (in the slider below), taken during my walk into the town

Live from Worktown Photo Competition
I was lucky enough to be invited by Live from Worktown to help organise and judge a recent photo competition, along with LfW member and local historian, Dave Burnham. With a general theme of “Life under Lockdown”, people were encouraged to submit photos taken with either a camera or smart phone, in the categories of PPE, Out

Locktown Working
At the height of lockdown, under the most restrictive social measures we’ve ever seen in our lifetimes, I’m keen to understand what impact this is having on Bolton’s town centre. Dubbed “Worktown” due to its central role in the Mass Observation of 1937, should we now be referring to Bolton as “Locktown”? On the 25th April

Interchange Exchanges
Recently opened in 2017, the Interchange in Bolton still feels like a brand-new building. Replacing the tatty-looking bus station on Moor Street, it brings rail, bus, cycles and taxis together, creating a convenient transport hub for the town. Apparently, it’s sustainably designed, with a light airy architecture that includes a pretty impressive sky bridge linking

Route 666
Deciding to head into Bolton on Saturday 25th April, to see how the town centre was faring under lockdown, I commenced my urban trek at 8:30am from the Blackburn Road stretch of the A666 with 2 miles ahead of me into town. Well if you ever plan to motor west Just take my way that’s the

Bolton Under Lockdown
Even though I’ve been out walking locally on a regular basis since the start of the Lockdown, I’ve generally taken a northerly direction towards the moors. A few weeks ago, on Saturday the 25th April to be precise, I decided to head in the opposite direction and walk into Bolton’s town centre. Sadly, this part of

36 Shots – Winter Hill
In early summer 2019, I had an assignment to complete for a course. The brief was to take 36 different shots of the same object; they had to be outdoors but the choice of subject was completely left to me to decide. After quite a bit of deliberation and after my thoughts repeatedly kept coming

Sandstone, Scaling and Shooting
If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know I have a particular fondness for the bleak, bleached beauty of the West Pennine Moors that I that I live close to. I’m no stranger to solo walking, and now we’re in lockdown, it’s these moors that I head out to, on foot from my front door,

Edgelandia – Emily Oldfield
I’d really like to bring your attention to this incredibly exciting project from Penned in the Margins. Edgelandia brings focus to people and places in the slightly forgotten, out-of-the-way areas in the UK. I was lucky enough to be asked by one of the contributing artists, Emily Oldfield, to provide one of my shots for