Winter Hill 125 Commemorative Walk

Dave Morgan says:

Excellent narrative Julia,. stunning photos but shurely the 5 September not the 4th (ed).

Julia says:

Oh thank so much Dave, that’s much appreciated! Yes, you’re absolutely right, it was definitely the 5th, so it’s now corrected in the text.

Kate Ashbrook says:

Do you mind if I use one or two of your pics on my blog CampaignerKate? They are so brill. I’ll credit you. Thanks. Kate

Julia says:

Hi Kate,

No problem at all, I’m so pleased you like them!
If you let me know which ones you’d like to use, I can send you better quality versions by email.

Many thanks, Julia

Kate Ashbrook says:

That’s so kind. I’d like the header, Winter Hill Banner, each of the speakers, and the one near the top with the aerial. Thanks so much fab!

Kate Ashbrook says:

Actually, they are OK to download from your blog so no worries. Thanks so much

John Bainbridge says:


Julia says:

Hi John – thanks very much for the comment. I’m pleased you like it!


Ian Tatlock says:

Hi Julia, A great account of what sounds like a great occasion. Events such as this are very important, in that they commemorate and preserve the vital actions of our forefathers. Where would we be without their courageous interventions? Well done to them and well done to you for preserving and highlighting this! All the best, Ian

Julia says:

Hi Ian,

Yes, I totally agree and especially when this is still a live issue in England, almost as much as it was back in 1896. The good news is there were many planned documentary activities for this walk, so this is probably the best recorded of them all so far. Hopefully these records, whether oral histories, photos or film will be useful to people in the future too.

Best wishes,


Kate Ashbrook says:

Hi Julia, me again. Could I use the header pic as the front cover of the Open Spaces Society’s mag Open Space? Could you email me a hi-res one of that? I’ll credit you of course. Many thanks. Kate

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