Chippie shot selected for National Archive

Ian Tatlock says:

Congratulations Julia. Well deserved but I’m not at all surprised. Although you weren’t mentioned or credited, I’m pretty sure that this photograph appeared in BBC North West’s Tonight’s coverage last night. Really good news – I’m very pleased for you. Well done.

Julia says:

Hi Ian – yes, you’re right it did appear on BBC North West. I was contacted by a friend who saw the 6:30 edition and I managed to catch the 10:30. That’s definitely a first for me and, even without the credit, I’m pretty pleased! Thanks for all your kind words of support.

Rachel Appleton says:

Absolutely brilliant! In years to come we’ll look back at these lockdown photographs as we do with photos from the WW2 era.

Julia says:

Thanks Rachel – yes, the town had a very distinct feel at the height of lockdown. You’re right, something we will look back on in a similar way to WW2.

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