36 Shots – Winter Hill

Mick says:

Beautiful Julia as always one of my favourite places! ! Mick

Julia says:

Always appreciate your kind comments, thanks Mick!

Ian Tatlock says:

Excellent Julia – congratulations. Your photos, written content and website all looking fabulous Julia. Will you be selling any of your beautiful prints here? This could be the alternative to that much anticipated, high end exhibition I keep talking about. Good luck.

Julia says:

Thanks very much Ian, maybe this is a stepping-stone to an exhibition – fingers crossed! And in answer to your question, well, its not set up as an e-commerce site (yet!) but I am very happy to sell prints, if anyone should ask.

Dad says:

Lovely website containing some fabulous photos supported by interesting well formulated comment and historic background information .

Julia says:

Thanks so much Dad – really pleased you & Mum like it! Helps to live somewhere that’s so rich in history, so hopefully there’ll be more to come! Lots of love, J x

Sarah Waddell says:

Stunning Julia and so good to see your talent being presented for us to enjoy!!!

Julia says:

I really appreciate the kind feedback Sarah, thank you!

Andy says:

Hi Julia
We met last week near the top of the path up from Horrocks Fold. Love the website both photos and written content. Keep up the good work! Andy

Julia says:

Yes, of course – along with the couple, all of us admiring the view down to Wilton Quarry! Thanks very much for remembering my web site name and also for the kind words. Much appreciated!

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