In 2023, Live from Worktown were awarded funding to run projects involving public collaboration in raising awareness of local grassroots activities that are taking a stand against anti-social behaviour, in some shape or form. The message was that Boltonians are taking a stand against negative behaviour. Whether it’s fly-tipping, domestic or street violence, drug and alcohol violations, theft, bullying, homophobia or racism, all forms of anti-social behaviour are being challenged across the borough. Residents want to make their neighbourhoods, town centres, parks and green spaces safe to live in and enjoy.
As a part of this, I organised an open-call photography competition and exhibited my own photos of the groups we worked with, in their activities.
We wanted to bring a spotlight to the unsung heroes who are doing their bit to improve Bolton for the benefit of everyone. Two of the enthusiastic and motivated groups are the Friends of Longsight Park who volunteer their time to ensure the beautiful park is accessible and maintained for all and Transforming Lives who help people in recovery get their lives back on track through a range of activities.